December 31, 2013


It started out hopeful but full of doubt,
weeks went by waiting for results that took too long,
once in my hands they weren't good,
with each letter heartbreak, 
with each heartbreak I sank.

When plans fall flat you get to re-evaluate, 
now you either face the fear or freeze.
So you face the fear,
and it's not as scary as you painted it,
soon you learn to live with it,
soon you learn to appreciate it,
and mostly learn from it.

Now I roam the city with new found streght,
and driving the old streets seems fresh,
enjoy the summer breeze,
and the activities I didn't have since I was eight,
he holds my hand now,
and I start to notice how life blooms when you're happy.

If I learnt something this year, it's to not let failure get to your heart. Despite the negative you're still you, every storm passes and if you're really lucky you can find someone to sail the rough waters with. 

December 16, 2013

a year ago

If someone told me a year ago that my life would be as it is now I wouldn't have believed it. Had a completely different scenario in mind, one that seemed appropriate then, now I can't even picture it. I've never been so happy, it's quite strange to be calm, peaceful and in a place where I finally belong.

If someone told me a year ago I'd be as I am now, I would've smiled in disbelief.

But I am here indeed and I'm happy, life is lovely and I'm thankful, because those roads that seemed perfect weren't, but got me to the exact place I needed.

the waltz

They were dancing a waltz to no song,
she counted the steps,
one, two, three, four,
he tripped once before,
kept trying but wasn't enough,
it didn't have to be perfect, 
they just had to endure,
one, two, three, four,
he ended giving up, 
it was time to let go,
but she kept on counting,
one, two, three, four,
and then she was dancing alone,
a waltz to no song.

the first month

The first month of many to come,
it went by fast,
it went by happy and wonderful, 
better than ever expected.

The first month of many to come, 
I could picture it now,
it didn't scare me anymore,
never thought I'd be this way before,
but he ignites a spark in me that only grows.